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Best Lipoma Surgery in Hyderabad

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  • Scarless & Painless* Procedure
  • Day Care Procedure
  • No Recurrence
  • No-Cost EMI

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Also called “Fat balls” under skin. It is a non-cancerous mass of fat cells arising from fat layer below the skin. They are freely mobile in all directions (characteristic of lipoma, used to distinguish it from other lumps). Pain is a rare symptom which is caused only when it compresses on surrounding tissues. They are usually multiple and are common on hands, arms, thighs, abdomen and back. Although rarely they can be seen on forehead & neck. It presents more of an aesthetic problem and most people seek medical attention for that purpose only. It is a hereditary condition and most (but not all) patients have someone in their family with a similar condition.

Lipoma Surgery : Lipoma removal surgery, also known as lipoma excision, is a surgical procedure used to remove a lipoma.  Lipoma removal surgery is usually performed when a lipoma becomes large or is in a location that causes discomfort or interferes with movement. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, and the lipoma is removed through  tiny incision in the skin and is closed with stitches. Dr. Gautam Reddy prefers the latest suture-less technique where there are no sutures visible externally. After the surgery, the incision site  is covered with a bandage, and the patient is given instructions on how to care for the wound  oral pain medication is given and instructed to avoid strenuous activity for a few days after the surgery. The stitches will be removed (if any) in a fortnight or may dissolve on their own.


Sebaceous cysts :

They are cysts filled with keratin, “Cottage cheese” like material which can have foul odour. They can appear anywhere but are common over back, face, scalp, ears, scrotum and upper arm. They are usually painless but can turn painful when they get infected. Unlike lipomas, these are adherent to the skin but are not attached to tissues below it. There is usually a black dot (called punctum) over the swelling which is characteristic. Surgical excision is the only treatment. A total excision can prevent recurrence, although some surgeons prefer to evacuate the contents first and then remove the cyst wall. The incision is usually closed with fine sutures but Dr. Gautam Reddy prefers to do it the suture-less way.



Easy EMI

Proven Results

Covid 19

Dr. Gautam Reddy

Dr. Y. Gautam Reddy

M.B.B.S; M.S; M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Y. Gautam Reddy is a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who has graduated from the prestigious Osmania Medical College. He has spent years teaching and practicing at top institutions like SRM Medical College in Chennai and ESIC Medical College in Hyderabad, as well as working at corporate hospitals such as Gleneagles Global Hospital in Chennai.

Dr. Reddy has extensive training in a wide range of aesthetic surgeries, including hair transplantation, hair therapies, gynecomastia surgery, breast surgeries, liposuction, abdominoplasty, scar removal procedures, and keloid treatments. He is also skilled in microvascular surgeries, trauma reconstruction, cancer reconstruction, burns management, and hand surgeries.