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Thigh Liposuction

What is Thigh Liposuction?

Thigh liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to remove excess fat from the thighs, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. Sometimes, liposuction has to be combined with thigh lift (trimming the excess skin) to give the petite appearance. This procedure is popular among individuals who struggle with excess fat in thighs that is stubborn (resistant to diet and exercise). Terms like “cellulite” and “Lipedema” are used to describe this condition.

The procedure involves making small port incisions (4mm) in the thigh area and using a cannula to suction out excess fat. The surgeon will carefully sculpt the thighs to create a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing shape. At this point, excess skin (if any), is trimmed from the inner side of thighs until it gives an aesthetically pleasing look. The decision whether to trim the skin or not is decided at the time of first consultation.

Thigh Liposuction before and after

While thigh liposuction is generally considered safe, there are certain risks and complications that should be taken into consideration. These can include bleeding, infection, scarring (hypertrophic scars/ keloids), and uneven results. Patients may experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling, which typically subsides within a few weeks. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week or two weeks.

Overall, thigh liposuction can be an effective way to achieve a slimmer and more contoured appearance for individuals who have struggled with. cellulite/ Lipedema. During your first consultation, Dr. Gautam Reddy will examine and advise you a plan of treatment to achieve the best possible results and minimize risks and complications.


Dr. Gautam Reddy

Dr. Y. Gautam Reddy

M.B.B.S; M.S; M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)

Meet Our Doctor

Helping you Look Beautiful

Dr. Y. Gautam Reddy is a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who has graduated from the prestigious Osmania Medical College. He has spent years teaching and practicing at top institutions like SRM Medical College in Chennai and ESIC Medical College in Hyderabad, as well as working at corporate hospitals such as Gleneagles Global Hospital in Chennai.

Dr. Reddy has extensive training in a wide range of aesthetic surgeries, including hair transplantation, hair therapies, gynecomastia surgery, breast surgeries, liposuction, abdominoplasty, scar removal procedures, and keloid treatments. He is also skilled in microvascular surgeries, trauma reconstruction, cancer reconstruction, burns management, and hand surgeries.